7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti- estimated over 200,000 were killed
Toyota recall
8.8 magnitude earthquake & tsunami in Chile
TSA starts installing full body scanners
Had a Happy Easter
my hubby celebrated his 32nd birthday
our middle daughter turned 2
I started my blog Susie B. Homemaker- first post
West Virginia mine explosion kills 29
made it to our 12th wedding anniversary (I'm amazed we've made it this far sometimes)
BP oil spill

Times Square attempted car bomber
our oldest completed Young 4's & turned 5 yrs. old
celebrated lots of birthdays, plus Father's Day
1st family boat ride
Had a wonderful 4th of July!
Wikileaks releases war documents
BP oil spill capped
33 miners in Chile trapped
President Obama declares an end to combat operations in Iraq
oldest daughter starts Kindergarten
hubby started a new job (such a blessing)
celebrated my 32nd birthday
our baby girl turned 1 years old (*sob)
Chilean miners rescued
visited the apple orchard
Dressed up for Halloween
I started caring for my grandma a few days a week
Had a great turkey day with family
finally got a new couch and dining set!!
had a wonderful Christmas with my family
And as we ring in 2011, here's a few resolutions (or goals as I like to say) for the new year:
- catch up on the girls' baby books
- register oldest daughter in dance & swim classes
- get middle daughter completely potty trained
- eat/cook healthier, become more fit & toned
- start kitchen remodel in spring (maybe)
- Take the girls to the zoo this summer
- visit Frankenmuth before Christmas of 2011
I hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year and wish you many blessings throughout 2011!
Some of those events seem so far away. It's hard to believe it was just last year!
Happy New Year!
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