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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Holy Sickness...

   Wow, have we been sick at my house this winter!  It seems since our daughter started school, we've all gotten sick at least once a month.  This month has proven to be the toughest one yet.  It started with our middle daughter having a sinus infection and then developing pink eye.  Then the following week our oldest daughter puked for a day, got better for a day, then puked again.  Then the latest incident, our middle daughter again, did the exact same thing as the oldest except had a fever in between... and it just happened to also be her birthday.  Poor kiddo!  :(

   I hate to see my kids sick, especially when there's not much we can do for them.  And now that they're finally starting to feel better... wait for it... mommy is sick!!  That's right, the one that cleaned up the puke, wiped noses, wiped butts (there was some diarrhea involved also, sorry tmi), and held & cuddled with sick kids is now the one that's sick!  But at least I'm not expelling bodily fluids, from either end.  **EDIT 3/27/10- YES I AM!!  UGH!**    Thankfully, somehow, the baby has avoided it all except a little bit of a runny nose and my hubby also managed to avoid the germs.  I on the other hand have a sore throat, runny nose, & plugged ears.  Why, oh why, can't we just get healthy and stay healthy?!  When will this sickness end...


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