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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks... for Sweet Potato Casserole

Before the craziness of the day begins, I wanted to write a quick Thanksgiving post and share my Sweet Potato Casserole recipe.

I am so blessed and thankful for my loving family, they are my world!  As much frustration as they can make me feel at times, they also give me unconditional love and bring a smile to my face every single day.

I'm truly thankful for my health right now.  I hope I have many more years of healthy living to enjoy my precious family.

I'm also thankful for the roof over our heads, the ability to pay our bills, and the food on our table... so without further ado, here's the recipe for my Sweet Potato Casserole!

9 x 11 in. pan, 350° for 30- 45 min.
5 sm. cans of sweet potatoes (or 2 lg.)
3 tsp vanilla
4 well mixed eggs
1/2- 1 c. sugar (as needed, sweeten to taste)
1- 2 sticks butter, melted (I use 1 1/2 sticks margarine)
~mix until all liquids mixed to potatoes
~spread evenly
2 c. brown sugar (dark)
1 c. flour (as needed until thick)
2 c. chopped nuts (optional)
1- 2 sticks butter, melted (I use 1 1/2 sticks margarine)
~mix until sticky or flaky
~spread/sprinkle over potatoes
~don't cover while baking
~bake until top is brown and crisp
Mmm, delicious!!

What are some of the dishes on your table this Thanksgiving?


1. Cody said...

Yum! Thanks for sharing the recipe! =) Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

2. Buckeroomama said...

That looks so yummy! I would try it, but one of my kids don't like sweet potatoes for some weird reason... :(

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

3. Cody said...

BTW, how can I get one or two of my blogs added to your blogroll? =)
You can contact me at myfunkyfingers@yahoo.com.

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