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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday- Blue's Clues!!

Who knew Blue's Clues was so captivating?  Well I know 3 little girls who think so anyway.  :)

To see more pictures or to link up your own, visit Wordless Wednesday and 5 Minutes for Mom


1. Genny said...

That is just too cute! :)

2. PippaD said...

Lovely! We shout out at the TV too!

3. kailani said...

My baby loves Blue, too! It's the only way I can get her to sit still.

Love the middle one's expression!

4. Doll Clothes Gal Pal said...

Very surprised to see someone little love? :)

5. Rachele said...

One of them is very excited:). Great shot!

6. . said...

Very adorable picture of your girls:)

7. Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Haha so cute! I love the little one in the middle!

8. Spider Lady said...

Blue's Clues rocks! The youngest seems quite happy about it!

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