The Gallery Collection has the finest high-quality cards, whether for your business associates, clients, or friends and family, they are sure to be impressed! You choose your card design and the quantity, in sets of 25 all the way up to 10,000 if you're a big corporation. Then you actually get to select the greeting you want on the inside of the card, or no greeting if you'd like the inside to be blank, and specify the ink color. In addition you can add personalized lines inside the card and on the envelope, plus choose the type of envelope you'd like- traditional 'lick 'n stick' or their self-adhesive 'peel 'n stick'.
I ordered the City Snowfall Die-cut Seasons Greeting card and couldn't be happier- they are exactly what I wanted! I was really impressed when I opened them up, they look way better in person than online. They're shimmery, beautiful and brilliant looking, and they're personalized inside and out. I can't wait to send them in the mail to my family and friends!
Giveaway: Enter to Win one of their Gift Bag Ensembles to help you with your holiday gifting!
Choose from the following:

Elegant OR Everyday OR Classic
Mandatory Entry: Tell me which Gift Bag Ensemble you'd get if you won
Extra Entries (leave a separate comment for each one you do or already do):
- Visit The Gallery Collection and tell me a Christmas Card design you like
- Like The Gallery Collection on Facebook
- Follow The Gallery Collection on Twitter
- Follow my blog publicly via Google Friend Connect
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- Follow me on Twitter
- Enter any of my other giveaways +1 for each
- Vote for my daughter in the Fancy Nancy Contest +2 Entries (may be done daily)
- Post about this giveaway (blog, Facebook, Cafemom, etc.) +5 Entries, leave link
- Tweet about this giveaway (may be done daily, leave link) may copy and paste the following:
Holiday Giveaway: Enter to #Win a Gift Bag Ensemble @susiebhomemaker #Giveaway ends on 12/1U.S. ONLY
This contest ends on 12/1/10 at 11:59 pm EST. Open to U.S. residents only. The winner will be drawn via and has 48 hours to respond to winning notification email before another winner is drawn. Please make sure your email is visible on your profile or leave with your comment(s).
Disclosure: I was given a product in exchange for my review. No other form of compensation was received. The opinions and thoughts I’ve shared with these products are 100% my own and yours may differ.
Oh! I like the classic set! Thank you for the giveaway!
I like A Peppermint Christmas Card
I like the Elegant Set!
Just found you on Twitter, yay!! Oh, and I think the Elegant set is best :).
I like the Elegant Set, it was really hard to pick one, cause they are nice. Thank you, Paula Caudill
LOL! That's funny..send me over to pick out a design that I "which one" do I pick? Just like a kid in a candy store :D Well, here is one of them, Chickadee Greetings. I like all of them! Thanks, Paula Caudill
I like The Gallery Collection on Facebook - Paula Caudill -
I follow The Gallery Collection on twitter at sexyknickers68 - Paula C. -
I follow you on twitter at sexyknickers68 Paula C.
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I voted for your daughter in the Fancy Nancy Contest. I logged in thru Facebook, so, it is my Facebook email address, which is - Paula Caudill -
#2 - I voted for your daughter in the Fancy Nancy Contest. Paula C.
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Voted for your daughter the Fancy Nancy Contest. Paula C.
#2 - Voted for your daughter the Fancy Nancy Contest. Paula C.
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