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Friday, January 7, 2011

Digital cameras... what do you shoot with?

This is NOT a sponsored post... I need some help fellow picture takers!  We are shopping for a new camera.  We had a Canon Rebel XT and loved it, but it started to become too bulky to take everywhere.  So we thought if we bought one of the new point and shoot cameras we could have the best of both worlds- great picture quality and compact design... Wrong!

We've already tried the Sony Cybershot and Canon Powershot SX210 and haven't been impressed with either.  Even at 14MP the picture quality is nothing like it was on our 8MP Canon Rebel.  So now we're looking at possible other DSLR's- like the Canon EOS Rebel T1i or T2i or the Nikon D3100.  I just don't think we can be happy with a compact digital camera coming from a DSLR.
So what do you have, do you like it, love it?   I know most of you moms (and dads) take lots of pictures of your little ones.  Some of you even do it professionally so I'd love some opinions and input.  If you could recommend one camera, or a specific brand, which would it be?


Beth said...

NO Nikon Cool Pix. I love my husband and so glad he got me a new camera (my son literally smashed the digital screen) but this cool pix is horrible.

Anonymous said...

I have the Nikon D3000! I love it, it is very easy to use and takes awesome pictures!

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

I have an Olympus. Since I'm not a professional photographer, I wanted more of a bang for my buck. I got a camera with all of the top of the line features, for the price of a base model Nikon or Canon. I'm sure the other brands that have the same features do it better than Olympus. But I can't tell a difference. :-)

I like how Nikon is compatible with a lot of things but I feel like you pay more just for the name.

I personally am a Canon fan. I know two different people that just bought one and they love it!

Here's a great comparison of the Canon EOS Rebel T2i vs Nikon D3100...

Anonymous said...

I have the older Rebel XT. And its just getting old. Ya know? Sometimes when I click the button to take a picture it basically tells me "no". Then I say some stuff that isnt very nice too. lol

My sister has a new Nikon and its awesome.

Elizabeth said...

I have the Nikon D200 and LOVE it! However it is a little big and bulky sometimes depending on the lens I have on it. My sister-in-law has the Nikon D40 that's a really good price (about $350) and I love how lightweight and small it is and on auto it takes pretty awesome point and shoot pictures.

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