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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More confused than ever....

I feel like I'm in digital camera purgatory... really, it's starting to consume me!  I am getting nothing done but taking test photos, reading review after review, I am literally losing sleep over this and I still don't know... what's the best camera for us??

I posted a few days ago with 2 different sets of photos but didn't say which brand they were.  The 1st set was the Canon T1i, and the 2nd warmer set was the Nikon D3100.  There are pros and cons to both- the Nikon has better flash (the Canon hesitates & flickers sometimes), the Nikon took better video, the Canon has the self-timer continuous shot mode (the Nikon doesn't), the Canon tends to look more crystal clear where the Nikon seems to have softer focus.

Here's another 2 pics to show the difference- both on Auto, unedited:

Canon T1i

Nikon D3100

So now I'm debating on just going with a less expensive camera, since we're also realizing that we're going to have to invest in a video camera because the cameras that take video really aren't that great at it anyway.  And perhaps not even a DSLR, since the whole point was to be able to pick it up and shoot with it, not have to adjust all the settings to get a good shot.  Maybe the Canon SX30 or the Nikon P100 or the Sony NEX...  Ugh, why is this so hard?!


Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Yep now I'm leaning back towards the Canon. If you're looking for a video camera let me know. We are wanting to sell ours. We don't use it enough especially with the video camera on our phones. It's still fairly new and I've only used it a handful of times. I got it for Christmas not last year but the year before from the hubby. Let me know if you'd be interested. I'll find out what model it is.

PS Did you sign up for the SuperBowl Cash Giveaway?

Liz Mays said...

When you're investing that much money into a good camera, I can see why you'd take the decision very seriously!

BrettBMartin said...

following from saturday hops


I'm a canon girl. i have dslr cameras here- a 20d and a rebel xt.

find a camera you LIKE to use, and that you find simple to use. i have a digital camcorder that's panasonic we love.

we use b&hphoto for most of our photography needs- esp research. it can get overwhelming. you can get some amazing shots with point and shoots- read the manual and play wtih settings~!

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