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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- Safety first!

My toddler decided she needed to wear a 'helmet' while riding around the living room... just in case I guess.  Head over to Marvelous Mommy to see why you can never be too careful (and no we didn't plan these pictures... toddlers just do the darndest things).  ;p

I'm also linked up over at 5 Minutes for Mom and Shibley Smiles


Anonymous said...

ha! we use the same toy to teach the word "hat" in this house. Whatever works!

She is beautiful btw!


Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Haha too cute!

Natalie does look like she fell asleep at the wheel and crashed. LOL

feefioto said...

I don't know about you but I'd nibble and kiss those cheeks all day and half the night if I could get away with it.

Amy said...

that is too cute.. my little one does the same..

Groovy Baby Blog said...

Cute Pic!

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