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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday- Sleepy Head

This is what happens when a certain 2 1/2 year old decides she doesn't need a nap (which is pretty much everyday, but this day she just couldn't quite make it through her meal).

And yes, she loves kechup!

This post is linked up at 5 Minutes for Mom and also at

Wordish Wednesday


Buckeroomama said...

LOL! That's happened to us a few times, too. :)

Penelope said...

GREAT photo! Fortunately, she didn't fall asleep with her face in the ketchup!

Jana said...

She plain more herself out! No doubt she loves Ketchup. LOL!!


Sarah, Arik and Avas Mommy, said...

What a sweetie! :-)

Liz Mays said...

How in the world can that be possible? Too funny!

You sure wouldn't see me nodding off in the middle of a delicious meal!

Dawn said...

too cute! my son is almost 3 and just gave up his naps, he's so tired by the end of the day!

Petula said...

LOL! I love capturing shots like that. Too cute.

BARBIE said...

That is too cute!

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Haha that's funny!!

FilledToTheBrim - Kate said...

Aww, SO sweet!!

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