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Saturday, January 29, 2011

You will be missed Grandma...

I've known this post was coming for some time now, that still doesn't make it any easier now that it's here.  A wonderful woman took her last breath in this world and passed away yesterday... that woman was my grandmother.

This is her on her 90th Birthday
7.3.1918 ~ 1.28.2011

She died at the age of 92... her body just couldn't go on anymore.  A few weeks before, as I helped her into bed one night, she had said to me, "I'm fighting something that can't be won".  And she was right of course, none of us can live forever here on Earth.

She knew she was near the end and so did those around her.  She was at the point of needing around the clock care.  Thursday evening she had just been sent home from the hospital, this time because there was nothing more they could do for her.  She was sent home to live out the rest of her days as comfortably as possible.

That night I stayed at her house... she slept so peacefully.  I remember thinking as I got ready for bed in the spare room, how my grandma was the one who had taught me how to make a bed, the proper way, all those years ago when I was just a girl.

I remembered having sleep-overs, in that very bed, my sisters and I staying the night at Grandma's house.  We would stay up late reading the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books she had in the bookcase headboard.  One morning we had Rice Krispies for breakfast, I sneezed and my cereal flew out of my bowl and across the table... we all had such a laugh over that!

My dad and grandma- Aug. 2010
 My grandma with me and my girls
My grandma lived a long life, with lots of people that loved her very much.  She will be dearly missed.  May you rest in peace Grandma... and tell Grandpa and my mom hello.


Erin S said...

My condolenses!

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Aw I'm sorry. I hope everyone is doing ok. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family. I'm sure your grandma had a long, happy, fulfilled life!

Jan at Jewelry4Change said...

Your grandma was a beautiful woman and I know she'll be greatly missed. I'm so glad you have those wonderful memories of sleeping over, learning to make the bed and more. May the wonderful memories help to carry you through the tough times. Hugs and prayers to you,

BARBIE said...

I am so sorry. I will be praying for you and the family.

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