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Monday, January 24, 2011

Project: Happily Ever After {Book Review & Giveaway}

Saving your marriage when the fairytale falters.  When your prince charming turns into a frog... can he really turn back into a prince?

This is the very real and very hilarious true story of Alisa Bowman, how she went from wishing her husband dead to renewing her wedding vows and everything in between.  Project: Happily Ever After is her story of going from an unhappy marriage on the brink of divorce to now being happily married for over 10 years.

Alisa's project takes place over 4 months where she devotes her time and energy to fixing her marriage.  She addresses the emotional aspect, the sex (or lack there of), the laundry, and there's even a bikini wax and a eulogy thrown in there, oh my!  She talks about the 12 marital improvement self-help books she read along the way, highlighting the points that worked for her and even gives a 10 step plan to start your own Project: Happily Ever After.

Now even if you've never planned your husband's funeral and you feel your marriage is a blissful paradise, this is an excellent read.  I found it totally relatable and found myself wanting to read more.  The writing style is very easy to read, making it hard to put down.  And Alisa is just so... well, open and honest... talking about things most married couples barely want to talk to each other about.  She may make you blush at times or think 'OMG, did I just read that' but it's all in the name of love.  ;)

Here's a snippet from the book that made me laugh out loud as I could totally relate:
If you are exhausted because you can't get your kid dressed, ask for help and ask for it out loud.  Your husband can't hear the words inside your head.  Only you can hear those!  Be as specific as possible.  "I need help," is good, but "Can you please get her dressed because I'm about to throttle her" is even better.
And check out this cute book trailer for Project: Happily Ever After:

Alisa Bowman is a former senior editor at Runner's World magazine and has co-authored and ghost written on more than 30 books of various topics.  She's been a guest on national television and radio programs and interviewed by many top magazines.  She also created ProjectHappilyEverAfter.com, voted one of the Top 10 Marriage Blogs of 2009 and 2010.

BUY IT:  Project: Happily Ever After can be purchased on Amazon for under $15

WIN IT:  1 lucky reader is going to get their very own copy of Project: Happily Ever After

WAYS TO ENTER (leave a separate comment on this post for each entry you complete):

  • Subscribe to Project: Happily Ever After (you get free 114 page eBook when you do)
  • Like Alisa Bowman on Facebook
  • Follow @AlisaBowman on Twitter
  • Follow my blog publicly via GFC
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  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Like my Facebook page
  • Enter any of my other giveaways +1 for each
  • Post about this giveaway (Facebook, Cafemom, Blog, etc.) +5 entries, leave link
  • Tweet about this giveaway (may be done daily, leave link)
#Win your own Project: Happily Ever After from @SusieBHomemaker and @AlisaBowman http://bit.ly/fW3YTv #Giveaway ends 2/6


This contest ends on 2/6/11 at 11:59 pm EST. Open to U.S. residents only.  The winner will be drawn via random.org and has 48 hours to respond to winning notification email before another winner is drawn.  Please make sure your email is visible on your profile or leave with your comment(s).

Disclosure:  I was sent a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.  No other form of compensation was received.  The opinions and thoughts I’ve shared are 100% my own and yours may differ.


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Jenn said...

Following you with GFC (Best Housewife)- thanks for the giveaway, this sounds like a great book! :)

VeryBestHousewife at gmail dot com

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I am a GFC follower. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway

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i like Alisa Bowman on Facebook under Amanda Burkholder

artierney @ ymail.com

Him, Me, Wee 3 said...

i like you on Facebook under Amanda Burkholder

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I am an email subscriber. Thanks

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