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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Superbowl $200 Cash Giveaway!!

WooHoo!  The Superbowl Cash Giveaway is here.  One lucky winner will win $200 CASH (USD) during the Superbowl on Feb. 6th, 2011.  Fifteen blogs have teamed up to host this fun cash giveaway!  We hope that you will have fun entering, find new blogs to follow and maybe even win $200 CASH!

Anytime between now and Superbowl start time (6:00 PM EST) on Feb. 6th, you may enter to win $200 CASH (paid via Paypal) using the form below.  You MUST have or create a Facebook account and paypal account to enter this contest.

To win the cash pot of $200 please:
  • 1 ENTRY – LIKE Susie B. Homemaker on Facebook -  Just fill out the form below with your Name, Email, and check the Susie B. Homemaker box where it says Which Facebook fan page did you “Like”? to enter.
  • 1 ENTRY – Update your Facebook status with the following text. Then fill out the form below with your Name, Email, and check the Susie B. Homemaker box where it says Which Facebook fan page did you update your status on with the text above? to enter.
  • Enter to win $200 CASH paid via paypal! Ends on Super Bowl Sunday 2/6!  www.susiebhomemaker.com
  • 1 ENTRY – Comment on this blog post. – Leave a comment telling me How you plan to spend the $200? Then fill out the form below with your Name, Email, and check the Susie B. Homemaker box where it says Which blog did you comment on the blog post your answer to the following question: What would you do with the $200? to enter.
  • Please note: you will need to enter your Name and Email and submit aSEPARATE FORM for EACH and EVERY entry.

Extra Entries:
1) "Like" Facebook fan pages from the list below.  Go to the links of the participating Facebook fan pages and "Like" ALL or however many you choose of the pages participating.  Then return to this page and select the appropriate box corresponding to the Facebook fan page name in the form below and submit the form by clicking "submit".  Repeat this process for each Facebook fan page you "like" or were already a fan of prior to this giveaway.

2) To EARN MORE ENTRIES,  while you are on the below Facebook fan pages update your status

Please note that you will need to copy each blogs text separately, as the blog address changes with each blog.  After updating the status, fill out the form below for each Facebook update. For example, if you "liked" a fan page AND updated it's status you will need to fill out the form below twice and submit it twice.

3)  And to continue to earn more entries, comment on this blog post and other participating giveaway blog posts, then submit the form.  Click on "comments" below and then leave a comment answering the following question.  How do you plan to spend the $200?  Navigate to other blogs for this entry as well via their Facebook page.  All blogs should have their blog link under the profile picture on their Facebook page.  After commenting, submit the below form for each blog you comment on!

Participating Blog Facebook fan page links:

  1. Simplify with Sybil
  2. The Mommy Blog
  3. Marvelous Mommy
  4. Clever Housewife
  5. Coupon Fairies
  6. Books R Us
  7. inRandom
  8. Momondealz
  1. Madame Deals
  2. The World of ContestPatti
  3. Unus Sed Leona
  4. Susie B. Homemaker
  5. Kids Yoga Guide
  6. Freebie Spot
  7. The Healthified Mom

Please remember to fill out this form for every entry option completed. Each Facebook "Like", Facebook comment and blog post comment are SEPARATE entries and require you to submit the form again... up to 45 entries total!

The winner will be randomly drawn during the first half of the Superbowl via random.org. The winner will be notified by email by the start of the second half and will have 48 hours to respond and claim their prize. Remember, you MUST have a Paypal account and Facebook account to enter this giveaway!

Good luck!


stacey dempsey said...

if i won i would treat my kids to a valentines night out and with the rest would buy some much needed printer ink , which is hard to keep up with having 3 kids in school , would be awesome
staceyx (at) telus (dot) net
facebook name- stacey dempsey

Stephanie said...

I would take my husband and kids to a fun amusement park before my hubby deploys! =)

Unknown said...

I would definitely use most of it to buy food...thank you for the opportunity~!!

Anonymous said...

I'd use it to buy stuff for my daughter or for a family trip.


bukaeyes said...

I would use it for Groceries. Boring I know- but it's totally what I would do. Thanks for the chance!

won said...

If I won the $200, I’d use it for my son’s birthday present on Feb. 15.

Thank you.

(Wendy T on FB)

Gina P said...

I'd buy a new coat
Gina P
Ginasweepsit at aol dot com

Thomas Ng said...

i plan to buy a new computer desk
fwdsd45 @gmail.com

gretablau said...

Hi - I'd buy a vacuum, books or fitness gear!

skgaff said...

I would spend it on our paying down debt plan.

joycemlinek said...

I would use the $200 to pay off some bills. joycemlinek@yahoo.com

Angel Jacklyn said...


JC said...

I'd use it for a new laptop.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

Kris said...

i will spend it on groceries

Crazylicious85 said...

I would put it towards our [8 year old black lab] Summer’s vet bills. Just found out she has thyroid problems and will have to take medicine daily, for the rest of her life. She also has growths and skin problems as well as other health problems, so every bit helps & $200 would certainly be a big help!

Terri said...

My son is in college and could really use a bike to get around. Winning this money would be perfect because it means I could buy one for him. Thanks for the opportunity!
tmp95 at comcast dot net

Unknown said...

I would use the money to have a super bowl party - we are in Steeler Country after all!

Anonymous said...

I would use the money to buy a small chest freezer. Our freezer just went out and we lost all of the food we had in the freezer, which was well stocked with left-overs and pre-cooked meals! I would love to use it to buy groceries, but this would be just enough to get a small freezer, which is what we need/want first!!! My wife is an extreme couponer, so our freezer was very well stocked since she gets such unbelievable deals on groceries!



Anonymous said...

I liked Susie B Homemaker on FB


Anonymous said...

I posted to my FB page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Macs-List/115466565181695


Unknown said...

With the $200 I would buy something for my new grandchild coming in March (or sooner) whose mommy and daddy got rid of ALL the baby gear they had with their other two (now 5 and almost 4) and now are scrambling for baby items! LOL! (probably a really nice, safe, carseat for this precious lil’ one!)

ejrichter60 at gmail dot com

mkjmc said...

I would use the $200 towards the new carpet fund

Teresa said...

Maybe a Nook color – it looks so neat!

Sarah G said...

I would lose my 8 pounds of baby weight and buy me some summer clothes and be a happy mommy

Sarah G said...

I liked you on facebook

mrsking14 said...

Would definitely get a new tv stand

Glogirl said...

I would use the money to buy some new winter items (ie. coat, boots etc.)

Laura J Harrison said...

I'd use the cash to go see my grandgirls. Thank you for the chance.

Sheila Hickmon said...

I would use it to get some workout equipment, or maybe put it towards a treadmill!

(Shiela Hickmon)

fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com

Sena said...

I’d use this pay for my sister’s medical bills. Thanks!
sena.sagani [at]gmail[dot]com

Tamara B. said...

I would use it for a gym membership

jeanette8042 said...

I would use it for either rent or textbooks.

Unknown said...

If I win, I will buy formula, baby food, and diapers

Jan at Jewelry4Change said...

With $200 I would surprise my husband with a weekend get-away for our 31st wedding anniversary! :)

Anonymous said...

I would use it to buy oil to heat my house, space heaters in these below zero temps is not getting my house warm

Stephanie said...

I would take it on my Girl's Trip in March!
mrshud at cox dot net

nickieisis3 said...

buy a new bookcase


Lisa Hendrickson Southers said...

My mom is in Oklahoma and has MS and has fallen and is using a walker and my father is having a very hard time helping her right now, So I would buy a ticket home to see my mom and help my dad, She isnt able to deep clean her home and dad thinks it looks great!! So, I would go home and do for them what they spent their lives doing for me...helping

Michelle S. said...

I would use to help with expenses on a (first) trip to Disney World with our four kids

Unknown said...

I'd put it in the bank!

Carolina Dhabolt said...

If I win I would spend the $200 on buying my boys new clothes and shoes, they are needing some.

kellyr78 said...

If I won I would put the money in my kids college savings.

Anonymous said...

I'm a FAcebook Fan (Kess N Crystal Warren on FB) and updated my status: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=186198981402924&id=1002173928

and I'd spend it on a new dishwasher..mine just broke!!Wahhhhh!


pinklady705 said...

I would use it to buy some clothes. I’ve lost a little weight, plus I haven’t purchased anything new in quite some time.

2liv2laf2luv at gmail dot com

Twinkies said...

I would use the money to finish my daughters room (she has been waiting for about 1 yr 1/2) + take her to watch the Justing Bieber movie =]
kperales25 [at] aol [dot] com

Janene said...

I really need to buy a bed, this is kind of embarrassing, but it is honest, and it is what I would use the money for, all I have at the moment is a mattress on the floor, and it is horrible to try and sleep on, I have RA too, ugh.
Times are tough so this could really help, good luck to everyone who enters, I'm sure we all have great needs.
Janene Scarborough
@neeners50 on twitter

Huguette En said...

I would use to do something with the kids for March break
henglish at nb dot sympatico dot ca

Anonymous said...

I'd put it toward an iPad.


sodahoney said...

if I win I will buy groceries.

Darcy said...

Definitely would use it for groceries.

Trent, Natalie and Jantz said...

When I win this $200 reward I will use this money to help pay for a surgery that I just got. Unfortunately, I was uninsured and did not qualify for any help. Between these expenses and diapers money around my house is quite tight. Thanks! ;D

WCA Yash Travel said...

i will put the money on my daughter's saving account for her education
gustosagiveaways at ymail dot com

Aaron Lyon said...

I would take my wife on a weekend getaway.

Beckeesdeals said...

If I won I would buy a bunk bed for my girls!
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

myprayerpillows said...

I would spend the money on househod products. My email is myprayerpillows at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

If I won the $200 I would love to buy makeup from e.l.f. or get some Valentine's Day presents!

Suzy B.


Sandyhere said...

I would buy organizers for my house.

all_honey_here at yahoo dot com

Rusthawk said...

If I won I would pay off some bills! (facebook name: Rust Hawk)

Sarah said...

If I won, I'd spend it on a pair of cute new boots! Thanks for the chance ;)

Sarah Bee
untenuredteacher at yahoo dot com

PS: My paypal account is linked to a different email address - hope that's ok!

~dab said...

I would use it to buy new clothes :)

Packratmom said...

I would use it to join the local health club.


Discount Chica said...

I would put it in my savings!
Thank you!
discountchica at gmail dot com

Heather Jones said...

I would love to win this so I could pay for the surgery I had on Tuesday..well it would only pay for a fraction of it...but it would really be nice.


Him, Me, Wee 3 said...

I would probably take the kids to the Rochester Museum of play.

artierney @ ymail . com

Kitty Cardero said...

I would spend the $200 on a house payment.

Betty C said...

I would buy groceries.

hendy said...

I would put the $200 toward some necessary car repairs.
hendymartin1 At yahoo DOT com

shawn said...

I would treat my parents to a nice dinner out!

Anonymous said...

Lynda T

I would use it to attend a friend's wedding!

Wanda McHenry said...

I would use the $200 toward re-doing my kitchen cabinets
Wanda McHenry

js22 said...

I’m unemployed, so I’d use this money for treats – like going out to eat, or books or goodies from Barnes & Noble cafe or beads!
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
js22 [at] yahoo [dot] com

wendym said...

I would use the $200 to buy sheets, towels, and pots/pans.

wendym at cableone dot net

meredith m said...

i would spend it on baby stuff!

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