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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Get Rid of Unwanted House Guests

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Victor Pest. All opinions are 100% mine.

In this case, 'unwanted house guest' is anything of the furry variety, and I'm not talking about your hairy Uncle Art... I'm talking about rodents!  Those unpleasant little things that live in your walls and scurry around your home, eating and pooping and leaving a mess behind them.  Trust me, they're not fun... and I should know, we've had our fair share of mice in the house.


Victor has been in the business of rodent control since 1890, that's over 100 years of expertise.  Beginning with the invention of the spring-loaded Victor mouse trap, they're a trusted brand name you know you can count on.  They carry a full line of products that efficiently rid you of your mouse problem and that are non-toxic so they're safe for kids and pets.  Victor has both economical electronic traps and powerful electronic pest control devices to assist you in preventing and eradicating those pesky pests from your home.

The Victor Electronic Traps are:

  • Safe to use around children
  • 100% efficacy
  • Humane
  • No see- No touch solution

Victor PestChasers are:

  • Kinder than traps, safer than poison, and no dead rodents to dispose of
  • Sound emitted from device is completely inaudible to humans and pets
  • Reduction in rodent activity should occur within 6- 10 days
  • Life of unit is estimated 5- 7 years or more
  • The only repellents backed by third-party laboratory research and exhaustive field tests


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They have a special promotion going right now on the Victor Protect Your Space Combo Kit for $99.99 and FREE shipping.  The kit includes the following:  (1) Victor Sonic PestChaser Heavy Duty Sonic, (2) Victor Sonic Mini PestChaser Ultrasonic Rodent Repellant, and (2) Victor Electronic Mouse Traps

So protect your home, use Victor for your rodent control needs, whether you want to prevent a rodent infestation or you're trying to fight one, Victor has the products you need to get the job done!

Visit Sponsor's Site


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