Blogger Appreciation Day is a monthly meme where you list the blogs that gave you the most traffic for the previous month.
Here’s how to join in:
- Go into your tracking service (ie. Google Analytics) and set the time period for February 1 to February 28.
- Find the sites that have referred readers to you and put them in order from most sends to lowest.
- Write a post (like this one) listing your top 10 referrers.
- Link that post at 3 Boys and a Dog.
- Grab the Blogger Appreciation Day picture and add it to your site.
So here’s the list of the top blogs that referred me the most traffic for the month of February (blog name: # of visits):
- Chubby Cheeks Thinks: 85
- Airplanes and Dragonflies: 29
- 5 Minutes for Mom: 14
- Shibley Smiles: 14
- Marvelous Mommy: 11
- Three P's in a Pod: 9
- A Nut in a Nutshell: 9
- Posh on a Budget: 9
- Marvelous Mom Reviews: 8
- 2 Wired 2 Tired: 7
I love this meme so much fun seeing all the statistics.
Haha I just checked my referrals! I had 11 from you too!
That's awesome! Thanks so much for playing!
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. I love getting comments... and yes, I do read them all! :)