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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What happened to my keyboard? #WordlessWednesday

This is what can happen if you leave the room...

and you have a curious toddler...

who's too smart for their own good!
This post is linked up at 5 Minutes for Mom and Shibley Smiles


Unknown said...

Yikes! Not good! It is amazing what they can get into when you turn your back for a second! It was so thoughtful of your darling to give you something for your "Wordless Wednsday"! Lol!

The Jaded Mom said...

This happened to me, except it was my x husbands computer that I had borrowed. Uh oh!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...


Sarah said...

that is hilarious! thanks for sharing! glad I'm not the only one with mischievious kiddos :)

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Haha! Natalie did that once but luckily I caught her with only a letter and the space bar missing! lol

Anonymous said...

I hope they went right back on!

Meryl said...

LOL!!!! I know it's not really funny, but good for your toddler S/he is already thinking about letters and words. Great shot too.

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