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Friday, March 4, 2011

Do you travel overseas… would you let your kids?

I have never actually gone overseas.  I've been out of the country but only to Canada.  I'd love to have the opportunity to visit another country someday... maybe Italy or Scotland, learn a little more about our family heritage.

What worries me though is as my girls get older, if they'll want to travel abroad.  I never did the student travel thing, but what if one of my girls wants to study abroad?  It can be exciting visiting somewhere you've never been before, but it can also be pretty scary too.  You hear and read about so many horror stories nowadays.  I know that's true even for places throughout the United States, but when you're in a foreign country it's a whole new ballgame.

First you have to think about all the things your child may need in addition to their luggage- passport, different currency or travelers checks, and what about international student travel insurance.  You want to know they're completely protected while they're there, or at least as much as they possibly can be.

With student travel insurance you can also get limited trip interruption coverage, so you’re not out what you spent in the event of a trip cancellation.  Some other additional benefits include lost luggage, emergency medical evacuation, reunion, assistance services.

So you’ll know if your son or daughter has to see a doctor while overseas that they’re covered.  Travel insurance can cover doctor visits, hospitalization, surgery, prescriptions for covered illnesses during a trip, and if the situation demands it, the insured can also be medically evacuated to the nearest medical facility close to their principal residence.

You of course hope nothing happens to your son or daughter where they would need medical treatment, especially if you aren’t there to be with them.  But knowing that if they’re insured properly they’ll be taken care of without question can be a big relief to a worried parent.  Though somehow I think I'd still be a worry-wart and call my daughter to check in constantly.

Disclosure:  This was a sponsored post written by me.  Any thoughts and opinions are 100% my own


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