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Monday, March 7, 2011

My Weekend Woes and a Winner!

Disclaimer:  Feel free to skip down for the winner if reading about someone else getting sick makes you sick.

*          *          *
So I spent most of my weekend very sick, as in spewing-out-everything-that-was-in-my-stomach sick!  Our whole household has been sick off and on since the end of January- over a month now!

We have all taken turns with coughing, sneezing, running fevers, having chills, vomiting, diarrhea (I always have to look up how to spell that word), sore throat, runny nose, body aches, and on and on... when will it end?!
I'm going to have to start displaying a warning sign on our door.

Enter at your own risk...
spontaneous puking may occur!

*          *          *
Ok, now that I've just scared away all of my family and friends who were actually thinking of stopping by my house... here's the winner of the Restaurant.com $25 Gift Card from Social Deal Map.

1. Jen said...
They don't have anything local for me, but they do have a Blockbuster national deal.
I have a Blockbuster near me.
Congratulations Jen... enjoy your dinner out!  Hope you didn't read the first part of the post, or if you did can at least erase it from your mind during the meal.


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