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Monday, March 28, 2011

Purex Complete with Zout {Review & #Giveaway} 2 Winners!!

As a mom of 3 young stain-makers kids, I am constantly looking for better products in the laundry department.  I've always been a fan of Purex for the cost, but generally always still pre-treat my kids clothes with a separate stain remover before washing.

Well now there's Purex Complete with Zout:
"...it combines the proven performance of Purex detergent with the triple-enzyme stain-fighting power of Zout® pretreater. This powerful combination works to get stains out the first time, even tough stains like grass, chocolate, and tomato sauce."
Purex Complete with Zout can be used in all washing machines and on all types of laundry.  It comes in two scents- Fresh Morning Burst and Free & Clear.  They are both a hypoallergenic formula, but the Fresh Morning Burst has a light fresh scent while the Free & Clear is free of fragrance and dye for sensitive skin.
>> I was sent the Fresh Morning Burst and it smells amazing!  Honestly, it's probably the best smelling laundry detergent I've ever used.  I tried it on a load of my kids clothes, several of the items had stains from food- both new and old.  I didn't pre-treat any of the spots and the results- the stains didn't entirely come out after the wash.  On the bottle there is the option to pre-treat using the laundry detergent and then wash.  So the second time around I tried that and it worked slightly better.  My experience is that it didn't work on set-in stains but if you wash right away the performance improves... and your clothes will smell fabulous either way!

BUY IT:  You can see a list of retailers that carry Purex Complete with Zout and also get a free sample from the Purex website.

WIN IT:  2 readers are each going to win a coupon for a free bottle of Purex Complete with Zout to try for themselves

Ways to Enter (leave a separate comment on this post for each entry you do, or already do):

•  Tell me what you currently use for stains
•  Follow Purex on Twitter
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•  Enter any of my other giveaways +1 for each
•  Vote for my blog in the MomCentral Grant Contest +2 Entries (may be done daily)
•  Post about this giveaway (blog, Facebook, Cafemom, etc.) +5 Entries, leave link
•  Tweet about this giveaway (may be done daily, leave link) may copy and paste the following:
Enter to Win a Free Bottle of @Purex Complete With Zout- 2 Winners!! @SusieBHomemaker http://bit.ly/ifQwwv #Giveaway ends on 4/10

This contest ends on 4/10/11 at 11:59 pm EST.  Open to U.S. Residents ONLY.  The winner(s) will be drawn via random.org and has 48 hours to respond to winning notification email before another winner is drawn.  Please make sure your email address is visible on your profile or leave with your comment(s).

Disclosure:  I received a product for the purpose of the this review.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own and yours may differ.


Anonymous said...

i currently dont use anything for stains- i just rinse immediately and its not working very well
tcogbill at live dot com

Unknown said...

currently I use tide stain release
nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

BethElderton said...

I usually use Shout for most staind---Hydrogen Peroxide for blood stains.
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I follow Purex on twitter as mbm218
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

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bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

#2 new gfc friend
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

I joined you on twitter as mbm218
bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

BethElderton said...

bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

Jennifer Carroll said...

I currently use purex to wash my clothes.

Jennifer Carroll said...

I follow Purex on twitter @zombiesugarpie

Jennifer Carroll said...

I like Purex on facebook

Jennifer Carroll said...

GFC follower: Jennifer Clay

Jennifer Carroll said...

GFC follower: Jennifer Clay

Jennifer Carroll said...

I like Susie B. Homemaker on facebook

Jennifer Carroll said...

I follow Susie B. Homemaker @zombiesugarpie

Jennifer Carroll said...

voted on mom central grant

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tweeted @zombiesugarpie

Amber said...

I currently have a little stick of soap thing - I think it's Shout but it really could be anything. Seems to work pretty well for most stains...

Thanks for the giveaway! theamb at gmail

Amber said...

I entered the Socks4Life giveaway :) theamb at gmail

kolpin said...

i use tide stain stick

kolpin4680 at gmail dot com

kolpin said...


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Anonymous said...

I use one part rubbing alcohol and two parts hot water. It works wonders.

Diana Campbell

Anonymous said...

I usually use Shout for stains.
maddiemb {at} comcast (dot) net

Unknown said...

I currently use Tide Stain Booster.


Unknown said...

I follow Purex on Twitter as Anneliz702.


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scottsgal said...

I use All detergent with a shout type stain remover
msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

like purex on fb
msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

entered socks giveaway
msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

voted for grant 1
msboatgal at aol.com

scottsgal said...

voted for grant 2
msboatgal at aol.com

Judy Whatilivefor said...

I use Fels Naptha bars to get a lot of stains out or the generic spray stain remover.
judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com

Judy Whatilivefor said...

I follow you on Twitter @judywhatilive4

judywhatilivefor at gmail dot com

kolpin said...

entered my baby clothes

kolpin said...

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kolpin said...

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Emillie Rose said...

I use shout for stains.

Emillie Rose said...

I Follow Purex on Twitter - hisprincess886.

Emillie Rose said...

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Emillie Rose said...

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Emillie Rose said...

I shared on fb - http://www.facebook.com/purex?ref=ts#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=207368479282025&id=100001891505536.
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Emillie Rose said...

I shared on fb - http://www.facebook.com/purex?ref=ts#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=207368479282025&id=100001891505536.
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Emillie Rose said...

I shared on fb - http://www.facebook.com/purex?ref=ts#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=207368479282025&id=100001891505536.
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Emillie Rose said...

I shared on fb - http://www.facebook.com/purex?ref=ts#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=207368479282025&id=100001891505536.
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Emillie Rose said...

I shared on fb - http://www.facebook.com/purex?ref=ts#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=207368479282025&id=100001891505536.
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KY Klips said...

I am now following you via GFC (KYKlips). Hope you will drop by my blog and do the same. KY Klips Blog

KY Klips said...

I use Shout for stains but usually use Purex detergent

KY Klips said...

I follow Purex on Twitter (Ky Klips)

KY Klips said...

I now follow you on Twitter (KY Klips)

JuRita said...

I do a quick cold water rinse and use a spray ... i don't use it that often so i can't even remember the name! ;)

Kitty Cardero said...

I currently use the Resolve Stain Stick.

Kitty Cardero said...

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Kitty Cardero said...

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Kitty Cardero said...


Kitty Cardero said...


Kitty Cardero said...


Kitty Cardero said...


Style, Decor & More said...

I currently use Shout to clean stains!
apple 7555 at gmail dot com

Style, Decor & More said...

I follow Purex on Facebook as Nancy StyleDecor
apple 7555 at gmail dot com

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apple 7555 at gmail dot com

Style, Decor & More said...

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apple 7555 at gmail dot com

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apple 7555 at gmail dot com

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apple 7555 at gmail dot com

Style, Decor & More said...

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apple 7555 at gmail dot com

Style, Decor & More said...

I voted for your blog on MomCentral - Good Luck!
Entry 1
apple 7555 at gmail dot com

Style, Decor & More said...

I voted for your blog on MomCentral - Entry 2!
apple 7555 at gmail dot com

Style, Decor & More said...

I posted on FB, don't know how to find link, but I don't have too many posts - Entry 1 of 5

Style, Decor & More said...

I posted on FB, don't know how to find link, but I don't have too many posts - Entry 2 of 5

Style, Decor & More said...

I posted on FB, don't know how to find link, but I don't have too many posts - Entry 3 of 5

Style, Decor & More said...

I posted on FB, don't know how to find link, but I don't have too many posts - Entry 4 of 5

Style, Decor & More said...

I posted on FB, don't know how to find link, but I don't have too many posts - Entry 5 of 5

Erin S said...

Whatever is on sale in a spray, then add to wash.

Erin S said...

PUREX FB follower @ erinn arena Sluka erinnsluka@gmail.com

Erin S said...

Purex Twitter follower @3sonshavei erinnsluka@gmail.com

Erin S said...

Twitter follower @3sonshavei erinnsluka@gmail.com

Erin S said...

FB follower @ erinn arena Sluka erinnsluka@gmail.com

Erin S said...

GFC: Erinn Sluka

Anonymous said...

junegirl26 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

entered In the Wild giveaway

Diana D said...

Shout it Out. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

Diana D said...

GFC follower #1. Thanks

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

Diana D said...

GFC follower #2. Thanks

dianad8008 AT gmail DOT com

Mandy said...

I use shout or zout

Mandy said...

I follow on GFC #1

Mandy said...

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Mandy said...

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janetfaye said...

I use Shout for stains.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow Purex on Twitter - Janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I like Purex on FB - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

1. I follow your blog with GFC - janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

1. I voted for your in the MomCentral Grant Contest - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

2. I voted for your in the MomCentral Grant Contest - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

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janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

3. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

4. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

5. I blogged:

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

I Follow Purex on Twitter (@dealsfan32)
nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I Like Purex on Facebook ( claudia n)
nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

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nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

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nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

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(claudia n)
nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

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nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

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nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I Voted for your blog in the MomCentral Grant Contest
nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

Baby Mama said...

I use shout

Baby Mama said...

gfc sarah_roxy_21

Baby Mama said...

gfc sarah_roxy_21

Baby Mama said...

Liked purex on fb
sarah hinhart

humanecats said...

I just put extra detergent in the load and hope for the best.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I follow on GFC as Ericka T.1

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I follow on GFC as Ericka T.2

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

email subscriber

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I follow on twitter as humanecats.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I follow Purex on twitter as humanecats.

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I like on Facebook as Ricky Todd (rickyT2720@gmail.com)

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

I like Purex on Facebook as Ricky Todd (rickyT2720@gmail.com)

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

tweeted giveaway as humanecats

humanecats at gmail dot com


humanecats said...

voted for you 1

humanecats at gmail dot com

humanecats said...

voted for you 2

humanecats at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

main entry
I currently use shout spray for stain removal
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

I Follow Purex on Twitter as @itsallnew2me
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

I • Like Purex on Facebook as julie cutshaw
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

I• Follow your blog via Google Friend Connect as j cutshaw #1entry
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

I• Follow your blog via Google Friend Connect as j cutshaw #2entry hope you can swing by my blogspot and follow me too :-)
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

•I Like you on Facebook as julie cutshaw
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

•I Follow you on Twitter
as @itsallnew2me
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

FB share#1
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

FB share#2
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

FB share#3
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

FB share#4
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

FB share#5
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Steph S said...

I use Oxy Clean for stains.


Steph S said...

Following you on Twitter (@1day1dollar)


Steph S said...

Following Purex on Twitter (@1day1dollar)


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