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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Trivia TWOsday- Week #3

Welcome to Week #3 of Trivia TWOsday hosted by Marvelous Mommy, NapTime Momtog, and me!  This fun new meme is a great way to get to know each other!  Each week there will be 2 trivia questions to answer about yourself , questions like- What’s your favorite…, Have you ever…, This or That…

Trivia TWOsday

How It Works:
  • Answer the provided trivia questions.
  • Please grab the Trivia TWOsday Button and display it in your post or on your blog.
  • Become a follower of all 3 hosts that way you can keep up to date on future posts, although this isn’t required to participate.
First time you had stitches?
Wow, for a minute I was about to say 'I've never had stitches before', but how could I forget... the first, and only, time (knock on wood) I had stitches was after the birth of my 1st daughter!  It wasn't major but I did tear a little (I delivered on a military base, completely natural- no drugs).  My other girls all came out with no tearing thanks to my awesome Ob/Gyn.

Jelly or Cream Cheese?
Depends on what I'm putting it on- Jelly on toast and Cream Cheese on bagels!


Unknown said...

Tearing... one thing that scares me most of child birth. But I'm pretty sure it will be worth it! I agree with your jelly/cream cheese view!
I'm going to make myself a bagel with cream cheese right now!
Have a good week!

Anonymous said...

Great answers. Glad you only had stitches once. :)

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Oh I never thought about stitches there!! I had stitches with my first but luckily no stitches this time!!

Raymonde said...

Nice to learn more about you. One stitch you lucky girl, I was a mess!!!

Have a good week. xxx

Nicole said...

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Happy Trivi TWOsday!

Liz Mays said...

Ouch to the tear! Just ouch!

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