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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Check out my #NutellaParty... plus a Coupon and a Contest!

Have you heard of Nutella?  I had always seen the commercials but never tried it before, and honestly when I watched those tv ads I actually thought it looked kinda weird.  I don't particularly like hazelnut so didn't think I would ever like it.  But when I was given the opportunity to have a Mommy Nutella Breakfast Party I thought, 'What the heck... let's see what this stuff tastes like'.

Nutella is a hazelnut spread with skim milk and cocoa.  It contains no artificial colors or preservatives, no peanuts or peanut ingredients (and doesn't come in contact with any during manufacturing), and no ingredients derived from gluten containing cereal.  It's also a Kosher product that has been a breakfast staple in Europe for more than 40 years, and became available in the U.S. in the 1980's.
My husband and our oldest daughter actually had a 'pre-tasting' before my party using graham crackers.  My husbands first reaction was that it looked like chocolate pudding and he really liked the taste.  Our 5 year old liked it also, but doesn't have much of a 'sweet tooth' so didn't want to have seconds.

I was sent a jar of Nutella for the party plus samples and goodie bags for my guests.  I then went out and bought a few different breads to try the Nutella on, some fresh fruit, a few other spread options in case the Nutella didn't go over well, and then invited over my mommy friends and their kids for coffee and brunch.  A couple moms had already tried Nutella before and said it was "yummy".  Most of my friends were like me though and had never tried it but were also curious as to what it tasted like.
The general opinion was that it was very good!  I couldn't really taste the hazelnut- it just seemed chocolate-y, almost too sweet for me, I don't think I could eat very much.  Most of the moms really liked it and some of the comments were:

"It was sweet but not too bad for us. I know that I plan on getting some."

"I was very surprised at just what a treat it was!"

 "...it will definitely be added to our grocery list the next time we shop.  I can't believe how yummy it was..."

Right now you can get a coupon for $1 Off a 13 oz. jar of Nutella, offer valid thru May 31st or while supplies last... so hurry!

You can also enter their Monthly Case Sweepstakes for your chance to win a case of Nutella

Big thanks to MomSelect, MommyParties, and Nutella for this opportunity... fun and delicious!


Liz Mays said...

I absolutely love that stuff! It's sinfully good!

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