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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Busy, busy... lots to celebrate!

The end of March is always a tad crazy with all the birthdays that are at the end of the month.  We celebrated 4 birthdays over the weekend... my hubby's, our middle daughter, one of my younger brothers, and one of my nephews.  Happy Birthday to all of them!  Here's a slide show of my Katie Pie, otherwise known as Curls... enjoy.

This year I also had a Mommy Nutella Party right before the weekend which added to the busyness.  It was a lot of fun and was my first time trying Nutella.  I should have a post coming later on tonight so stay tuned.

In addition, the end of March also marks my Blog Anniversary!!  This will actually be my 1 year Blogoversary... I started last year right after my daughter turned 2, and now she's 3!  I can't believe it's been this long, but at the same time it's flown by.

Blog look throughout the year...

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I have a bunch of giveaways to get posted and plan to have 1 up every day this week, so check back daily to enter!  I'm so thankful to everyone that's shown support for my blog.  I enjoy what I'm doing, but it definitely helps knowing that someone's actually reading it.

For a little flashback fun and to see my post progression, here's a short highlight reel:


Michelle said...

Hello Susie! It's a very beautiful post! Congratulations for your little princess, so pretty. I just love your blog.

Kisses and hugs from Brazil :)


If you follow me, I'll follow you back.


Sarah said...

Happy birthday(s)! And blogaversary :) :)

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Aw I love the picture of you and your toddler and your newborn together!! Can't wait for my pics like that!!!

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