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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Trivia TWOsday... fun NEW meme!!

Welcome to the very first week of Trivia TWOsday hosted by Marvelous Mommy, Susie B. Homemaker (me), and NapTime Momtog!  This fun new meme is a great way to get to know each other!  Each week there will be 2 trivia questions to answer about yourself -- Questions like- What's your favorite..., Have you ever..., This or That...

Trivia TWOsday

How It Works:
  • Answer the provided trivia questions.
  • Please grab the Trivia TWOsday Button and display it in your post or on your blog.
  • Become a follower of all 3 hosts that way you can keep up to date on future posts, although this isn’t required to participate.

1)  Have you ever been skydiving??

YES!  When I was 18 and fearless, I went tandem skydiving (you're basically strapped to an instructor and you jump together).  It was probably the craziest thing I've ever done, and looking back on it now that I'm a mom... I am so happy I lived to tell the tale!

2)  Bath or Shower??

Shower for me please.  I've never been a bubble bath type of girl- maybe it's the fact that I was in the Army or that now I'm a mom of 3 young kids and don't have time for a bath anyway, but soaking in a tub just isn't my thing. 


Anonymous said...

How fun. Great answers.

Eliz Frank said...

Hi there,
I'm following your blog via the TTT Tuesday Blog Hop.
Glad to connect with another blogger!

Dawn Lopez said...

Cute idea!

Thanks so much for joining us for Blog It Forward Tuesday, we are happy to have you! We are also your new followers! Happy Tuesday! ;)

Hello Jessica Lynn said...

I am blog hopping today and would really like for you to stop by (and become a follower if you aren't already) at either of my blogs:

So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at http://sostylilized.blogspot.com

Jessicas Lil Corner is where I blog about life and family at http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com

I hope you have a happy and blessed Tuesday!

SD Mixed Media Art said...

I am your newest follower! I am stopping by from Follow Me Back Tuesday, come follow me as well if you like! :)


Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

I didn't know you were in the army! See I learned something new about you already! :0)

Marci said...

I would HAVE to be strapped to someone to skydive 'cause there's no way I could jump out on my own! SCARY! I'm a shower girl too! :)

- Jessi - said...

You have guts lol. I couldn't skydive. I know what you mean about needing a tub for the kids. We just have one that'll hold her til she's 2. I might have to find a house with a tub. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

casey aubut said...

I would love to skydive!
New follower!
Would love for you to check out www.aubutfamily.com

Liz Mays said...

Shower for me too! I'd love to try skydiving one day!

More Than Words said...

I love these kinds of meme's! I will join in next week!!

Branson said...

Thanks for hosting this fun new linky! And I wish I had gone skydiving back when I was young and fearless ;)

zoozli said...

very nice Trivia Game

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