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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Do you Accessorize Your Cell Phone?

I think on an almost daily basis I lose my cell phone, or rather it gets ‘misplaced’ (courtesy of my toddler and preschooler), and I have to go hunting around the house for it.  And probably about once a week it gets dropped, either by myself or by one of my unruly discipline-challenged children.

My poor phone has been dropped on carpet, tile, a wood floor, and concrete… and somehow always survived.  But how much longer can it possibly take that kind of abuse before it shatters and is no longer usable? (I hope I didn’t just jinx myself, *knock on wood*)
My husband has told me several times before to get a cell phone case for it to help protect it from falls.  He has one over his cell phone so it doesn’t get damaged at work.  Well my ‘work’ can be dangerous too, ie. my kids are crazy!  And I hate to say it, but… he’s probably right. (*gasp* Did I dare just admit my husband was right about something?)

But really, with all the super cute colors and designs that are available for a cell phone cover, why wouldn’t I get one?  It actually does double duty- 1) as a great looking accessory and 2) adding protection from falls.
I think I'm starting to really love some of these designs too.  It would definitely add some spice to my boring basic black cell phone.  And they aren’t that expensive either- you could buy a couple of them so you have different ones to choose from depending on your mood or outfit.  Hmm, maybe there are actually perks to agreeing with my husband… I’m all for something new!

Do you accessorize your cell phone?

Disclosure:  This was a sponsored post written by me.  Any thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.


MMAR said...

Thanks for stopping by Keeping Up With The Rheinlander's! I definitely have a case for my phone... my little one thinks that it is a chew toy : )

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