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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who do you use for website hosting?

I'm coming up on my one year 'Blogoversary' in a couple weeks.... where, oh where, does the time go?  I can't believe it's been that long since my first post and sometimes can't believe I've lasted this long.  But that also means it's time for me to renew my domain name and decide who to go with for my site hosting.

I've been pretty happy so far, but I hope to really grow my blog a lot more this year and am also thinking of doing a complete redesign of my site.  I always comparison shop and do a lot of research before buying.  And there's definitely a lot to choose from when it comes to finding everything you need- domain name, hosting, website builder, technical support, etc.

Site2You is an option that I hadn't heard of before.  It's an easy to use website builder that gives you a variety of quality design templates to choose from, and also includes unlimited hosting and a free domain name.  It's a simple way to get a professional looking website up and running quickly, even if you happen to be technologically challenged.

They also offer a certain number of hours of certified webmasters work, depending on the plan you choose, that can give you peace of mind.  If you aren't sure how to do something, you can tap into your unused hours and have them do the editing and customizing to your website for you.  I'm all for learning new things and trying to do it myself, but knowing someone has your back "just in case" is a good feeling to have.

You can actually sign up for a Free 7 Day trial at Site2You, so you can try it yourself and see if you like it.  I always love the option to try before you buy- I think it gives us as consumers more control and allows us to really figure out whether a product is right for us or not.  I'm not sure if Site2You is necessary for the average blogger, but for a small up and coming business it may be just the thing to get them started on the right foot.

Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post written by me.  All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own and yours may differ.


Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

I just switched to InMotion Hosting at the beginning of the year. So far so good.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susie,

For us we've been with Taweem.com for quite some time now. If you need a company that will go beyond what they offer they are best suited. They have valued our business and we will value theirs.

Great hosting company.

Take care!

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