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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

She Lost Her First Tooth! #WordlessWednesday

My 5 year old (almost 6) lost her very 1st tooth Monday night!  It had been loose for about a month or so, and while watching tv she just pulled it out... all by herself.  She was so excited and couldn't wait for the tooth fairy to come visit her (she got 5 quarters and a sticker).
Yay, I'm so proud of my big girl!


Mrs. Frogster said...

aww big moment! great pic for a wordless wednesday!

- Jessi - said...

Oh how great! She looks really happy.

Dawn said...

Yeah! She looks very excited! She also has a smile just like my 5 yr old now :)

Unknown said...

Very cute without that tooth. I have a wordless Wednesday post with linky if you'd like to stop by and link up =)


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, she is so cute!! My son is 5 almost 6 too, he is waiting for his first tooth to come out! Thanks for sharing this!

Cam - Bibs & Baubles said...

too cute!

Katie said...

how fun! Glad the tooth fairy was good to her!

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

Aw so cute! Thats a great picture!

More Than Words said...

Aww! That IS exciting!! She looks so proud too!!

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