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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's Time for week #2 of Trivia TWOsday!

Welcome to Week #2 of Trivia TWOsday hosted by Marvelous Mommy, Susie B. Homemaker (me), and NapTime Momtog! This fun new meme is a great way to get to know each other! Each week there will be 2 trivia questions to answer about yourself , questions like- What’s your favorite…, Have you ever…, This or That…
Trivia TWOsday

How It Works:
  • Answer the provided trivia questions.
  • Please grab the Trivia TWOsday Button and display it in your post or on your blog.
  • Become a follower of all 3 hosts that way you can keep up to date on future posts, although this isn’t required to participate.
Q)  Pancakes or French Toast?
           A)  Hands down FRENCH TOAST... with syrup and powdered sugar!!  Mmm

Q)  When was the last time you had a haircut?
            A)  Well usually I would say I couldn't remember because it's been so long, but I actually just got a haircut last Thursday.  We had a lot planned for this past weekend and I wanted to look nice and put together.  I took my 5 year old with me and she got her hair cut too.  :)  It was just a cut, no color- so not sure why it looks so different in the pictures below (I think I must've changed the ISO on the camera).
                   Before                                                                           After


Anonymous said...

Cute photo. :) Yummy. Now I am wanting french toast. ha ha.

Sarah, Arik and Avas Mommy, said...

Definitely french toast! Great hair cut! That's the thing with me and curly hair... if I were to cut mine like that, it would kind of develop a Ronald McDonald look to it. ;-)

Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said...

You need to teach me how to make some french toast. It never seems to turn out right for me! BTW, Love the picture of you two!

Kallee Anne said...

I LOVE really good pancakes! I am a new follower. Hope you will follow back at creativesouthernhome.blogspot.com

Mrs.Sweet said...

I love French toast!!! by far way better then pancakes. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks! I liked it at first and now it's at that in between phase and doesn't like to stay put. I do love your hair though! Your little ones new hair do is sweet too.
Have a great week!

Photography said...

Oh our hair similar length now I had all mine chopped off. Following you now :-) Stop by if you can.

Photography said...

ps your hair looks nice.

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