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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring in Michigan {#WordlessWednesday}

Winter's not going out without a fight!

This post is linked up with 5 Minutes for Mom and Shibley Smiles


Unknown said...

I know the feeling! I live in north central Pennsylvania and we got a massive spring snowstorm last night too. It's now sleeting. We have a 24 hour storm watch warning. Ohh the joys of living in the north :)

Stay safe!

Sarah, Arik and Avas Mommy, said...

Brrrr... I hear ya there! Nothin' a little hot cocoa won't cure. ;-)

Unknown said...

We live in NY, thankfully we did not get hit, just a lot of wet snow! What a winter though! It does make a pretty picutre, but I too can't wait to see green! Have a great day!

Sarah said...

yikes! it has been crazy warm here, but I know winter is still lurking :)

Julie said...

Oh, I feel for you. It is really warm here on the coast of Texas. Soon it will be too warm and we'll be yearning for a bit of winter.

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